We are excited for our 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting, and would love for you to join us as we seek God together! We believe that God will do extraordinary things as we set this time aside to fast, pray and seek Him in His Word.

Jesus said Fasting is
"an appetite-denying discipline to better focus on God"
Matthew 6:14 Message

Whatever fast you choose, we pray that it will be a spiritually renewing and empowering time for you personally and for us as a church corporately.

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The way we look at our world is like the frame around a window. It shapes what we see.

Thatโ€™s why two people can look at exactly the same situation and see two completely different things.

We see the glass half full or half empty. We focus on what we do have or we focus on what we donโ€™t have. We see problems everywhere or we see solutions everywhere.
Itโ€™s all in the way we frame what we see.

God created and framed the universe by the Word of His mouth.
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As we start a new year and begin our 21-day Reset letโ€™s make a decision that weโ€™re going to look at everything through the lens of Godโ€™s word, and that is going to open a window to a dimension where the impossible becomes possible and where the invisible becomes visible and where God breathes His Spirit of life into relationship, circumstance and situation this year.

Welcome to day 2 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œRESETโ€.

When God created the Heavens and the earth, He set things in order in such a way that every 365 days a new year would begin.
The new year gives every one of us an opportunity to reflect on the powerful truth that God is a God of new beginnings.

Everyday is a new day. God is continually working newness into our lives!

Heโ€™s a God of :
- Renewal
- Newness
-His mercies are new every morning
- New hope
- New vision
-New strength

We can RESET because God makes all things NEW.

Welcome to day 3 of our 21 day Reset
Our word for today is the word โ€œREFLECTโ€.

โ€œAnd on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.โ€ Genesis 2:2

God didnโ€™t rest because He was tired, He ceased from His work to appreciate the completion of that particular phase of His creation, before He moved forward with His eternal plan.

Reflection enables us to pause and evaluate how we can take the next steps to evaluate our God given purpose.

Letโ€™s take time each day to pause and REFLECT on all that is GOOD!

Welcome to day 4 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œRESOLVEโ€.

Many people start their New Year by making resolutions however making a resolution or having a RESOLVE to CHANGE requires more than just a decision, it requires both Reflection and Evaluation.

REFLECTION on what has been and EVALUATION of what needs to change.

As we REFLECT and EVALUATE we can then RESOLVE to make the necessary changes to fulfill the vision we have for our future!

Welcome to day 5 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œSURRENDERโ€

On the night before His crucifixion while Jesus was praying โ€œFather if itโ€™s possible let this cup pass from Me, however not My will but yours be done,โ€ all of the disciples had fallen asleep.
3 times Jesus had to wake them because their will power was not enough to keep them awake and Jesus said to them, โ€œthe spirit is willing but the flesh is weakโ€

Jesusโ€™ RESOLVE to do His Fathers will was being tested in the Garden and He passed that test because He was SURRENDERED to the will of His Father and was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Our RESOLVE will always be tested and the Key to passing that TEST is found in our willingness to SURRENDER to God and being filled with the Holy Spirit.

The more we SURRENDER to God the more we will be filled with His Spirit and the more we are filled with His Spirt the greater will be our RESOLVE.

Welcome to day 6 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œBELIEVEโ€.

When we read the Word of God, our FAITH RISES because FAITH comes by the Word of God.

When we FEED our spirit, our faith RISES and we BELIEVE what Godโ€™s Word says.

Whether itโ€™s for healing, salvation, financial provision, a relationship to be restored, new job opportunities or whatever it may be, when we are filling our lives with GODโ€™S WORD, faith rises in our HEARTS & we BELIEVE.

May BELIEF motivate us in ever greater ways this year.

Welcome to day 7 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œNEVERTHELESSโ€

When Jesus had finished speaking from Peterโ€™s boat on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, He told him to launch out into the deep for a catch.
Peter replied โ€œMaster, we have fished all night and caught nothing; NEVERTHELESS at Your word I will.โ€ And when he did they caught so many fish that their nets were breaking
That word โ€œneverthelessโ€ changed the course of Peterโ€™s life and destiny

His rational mind was telling him not to do it.

In that location Fish were caught in the warm shallows not the deep, at night not in the day

Jesus was a Carpenter, Peter was a skilled fisherman

But when Peter said โ€œNEVERTHELESSโ€ allowing JESUSโ€™ to WORD override his natural reasoning and logic a miracle happened.

This year may we like Peter, let our โ€œNEVERTHELESSโ€ of faith override our natural reasoning and like Peter may we see supernatural results.

Welcome to day 8 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œASKโ€

Jesus said: โ€œAsk, and it will be given to youโ€ฆ For everyone who asks receives

He also said that our Heavenly Father knows what we need even before we ask Him

But even though God knows all that we need He wants us to Ask

James Jesusโ€™s brother, who had knees like Camel because he prayed so much, said โ€œyou have not because you ask not..โ€

And he went on to say โ€œThe prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned withโ€

King David said in Psalm 116 โ€œBecause He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!โ€

Godโ€™s ear is inclined to our prayer waiting for us to ask so letโ€™s ask God every day because We will walk tomorrow in the answers to the prayers we pray today.

Welcome to day 9 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œFAITHโ€

Jesus said that faith is the key to unlocking the miraculous power of God.

โ€œI tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, โ€˜Move from here to there,โ€™ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.โ€ Matthew 17:20

How much faith do we need?

Even faith as small as a mustard seed is enough for God to move supernaturally in our circumstances!

Every one of us is given a measure of faith, so when we engage our faith however much or little that may be, BELIEVING what God says, aligning our words with Gods WORD, just as Jesus said we can speak words of faith and into every situation.

Whatever is lifeless can come to life , whatever is empty can be filled, whatever is irreparable can be repaired, whatever is incurable can be cured and whatever is out of alignment with Godโ€™s will for our lives body, soul and spirit can be realigned through our faith in Godโ€™s infinite power!

Welcome to day 10 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œPURPOSEโ€

Having a God given sense of purpose in the midst of our Activity is essential if we are going to live lives with meaning.
Activity without Purpose will always lead to Frustration and Purpose without Activity will be Fruitless.

We must live with both Purpose and Activity if weโ€™re to be Fruitful.

In the midst of all of our Activity itโ€™s very easy forthe level of our purpose to decrease.
Thatโ€™s why we must keep the โ€œwhy,โ€ which is the purpose of our activity, high because it gives meaning to all that we do.

When the why is high, the cost is low, When the why is low, the cost is high.
With a high level of purpose in our activity, the cost seems low, however whenever our sense of purpose decreases the cost will always seem high.
Thatโ€™s why we should, at all times, in every way possible keep our sense of PURPOSE high in all of our activity.

Welcome to day 11 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œGATHERโ€

While God gathers the enemy scatters.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who came to gather us to Him, whereas the enemy is the one who came to kill, steal, destroy, divide and scatter.

Godโ€™s nature is to GATHER and he has forever sought to GATHER us to Him and to GATHER us together as a people of God

Jesus said, โ€œwhoever does not gather with me scattersโ€.
We are called to gather with Jesus and gather together as His Church.

Jesus emphasized this saying that where two or more are gathered together in His name there He would be in the midst of them.

The writer of Hebrews highlighted the power of gathering:

โ€œDonโ€™t neglect gathering together but do so all the more as we approach the day of the Lordโ€™s coming.โ€

As we RESET letโ€™s do what Jesus has called us to do and make Gathering with Jesus, and Gathering together a priority in 2023.

Welcome to day 12 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œCAUSEโ€

When Pontius Pilate asked Jesus โ€œWhat is Truth?โ€ Jesus answered โ€œFor this cause I was born, that I should bear witness to the truth.โ€

Just like Jesus Every one of us was born to live with a Cause beyond ourselves.

True meaning and happiness are only found when we are dedicated to a cause greater than ourselves

Victor Frankl who survived a Nazi Death Camp said, โ€œHe, who has a why to live for, can bear almost any how.โ€

The Cause of Christ is the greatest Cause of all, so letโ€™s do all we can this year to engage in His Cause by sharing the truth that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Knowing that for this cause we were born, to bear witness to the truth!

Welcome to day 13 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œATTITUDEโ€

Winston Churchill said, โ€œAttitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.โ€

Prov 14:6 The scoffer seeks Wisdom in vain [for his very attitude blinds and deafens him to it],

Our attitude changes the way we see and hear everything!

The pitch of an aircraftโ€™s nose as itโ€™s flying is called, itโ€™s attitude.
With a nose up attitude the aircraft will maintain altitude or climb, but with a nose down attitude the aircraft will descend.

In the same way our attitude determines our altitude, whether we are climbing out of the storms of life or being descending and being dragged down by them.

Victor Frankl who lived through a Nazi death camp said, โ€œEverything can be taken from a man but the last of the human freedoms is to choose ones attitude in any given set of circumstances.โ€

Letโ€™s never forget our Attitude changes everything!

Welcome to day 14 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œMEDITATEโ€

Psalm 1 says: Blessed is the person who delights in Godโ€™s word, meditating on it day and nightโ€ฆ.whatever they do will prosper.

To mediate means to ponder, to pause, to think deeply, to reflect

When we take time to meditate on His word God speaks to us giving us fresh insight on how to navigate our lives

Our human tendency however is to ruminate.

The word Ruminate comes from the Latin word for the first stomach compartment of ruminant animals like cows that chew their cud and regurgitate it again and again.

Thatโ€™s what happens in our minds when we ruminate. We chew over and regurgitate old thoughts again and again.

Neuroscientists tell us that up to 90% of our thoughts are the same as yesterdays!

Which is why the more we MEDITATE on Godโ€™s Word the less we will RUMINATE!

Letโ€™s make a decision that we are going to MEDITATE more and RUMINATE less.

Welcome to day 15 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œFORGIVEโ€

At the heart of the Lordโ€™s Prayer Jesus teaches us to pray, โ€œFather forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against usโ€.
Jesus is saying that just as we are forgiven by God, so we must forgive others.

CS Lewis said โ€œEveryone says forgiveness is a lovely idea until they have something to forgive!โ€

Forgiving others who have hurt or wounded us isnโ€™t easy, but the truth is, not forgiving others hurts us more than it hurts them.

Forgiveness is an act of our will not a feeling, so letโ€™s make sure we are consciously forgiving others with consistency and intentionality!

As we release others from their offenses we are released from ours and from the destructive entanglement and snare of unforgiveness.

Welcome to day 16 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œLISTENโ€

Jesusโ€™ brother James wrote, โ€œBe quick to listen and slow to speak!โ€
Listening is one of the most important skills in the art of communication.

True communication involves both talking and listening!

So as the Message translation says, we should โ€œlead with our ears and follow up with our tongue.โ€

When we listen we learn more than when weโ€™re doing all the talking.

When we listen we connect on a deeper level and when we listen we show that weโ€™re interested in hearing the thoughts, perspective and feelings of the other person

Jesus said of His generation โ€œThey have ears but do not hear,โ€ because they werenโ€™t listening to what He said.

If we develop our ability to listen to God and the people we interact with every day, our communication skills and the quality of our relationships will go to a whole new level.

So, letโ€™s be quick to listen and slow to speak!

Welcome to day 17 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œYESโ€

2 Corinthians 1:20 says, โ€œAll the promises of God in Jesus are YES and Amen!โ€

Jesus said โ€œYesโ€ to the will of His Father, and when He did everything changed

Now all of the promises of God are accessible to us through Jesus!
When we say โ€œYesโ€ to what God has said โ€œYesโ€ to, extraordinary things happen.

God makes a way where there is no way, opens doors that are closed, reverses the irreversible, and turns impossible situations around

What we say โ€œYesโ€ to will determine the shape of our world.

The Day we say โ€œYesโ€ to Jesus changes our eternal destiny, and every day we say โ€œYesโ€ to Him and His promises, extraordinary things will happen.

So every time we read the promises of God, letโ€™s respond with a resounding โ€œYES and Amen!โ€

Welcome to day 18 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œNOโ€

Jesus said, โ€œWhoever follows Me must deny themselvesโ€

If weโ€™re going to follow Jesus then what we say โ€œNoโ€ to is every bit as important as what we say โ€œYesโ€ to

Speaking about freedom from religious rules and regulations the Apostle Paul said, โ€œAll things are permissible but not all things are profitable.โ€

Paul knew that there were things that he needed to say โ€œNoโ€ to,
Peter said, โ€œGod gives His Spirit to those who obey Him.โ€ Obedience requires us saying โ€œNoโ€ to what God says โ€œNoโ€ to.

The purpose of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting is to say โ€œNoโ€ to some things to which we would normally say โ€œYesโ€!

We deny ourselves so that we can weaken our flesh and awaken and strengthen our spirit.

As we say โ€œNoโ€ may we find that life and strength that Jesus promised we would find when we deny ourself.

Welcome to day 19 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œGIVEโ€

In the book of Proverbs Solomon, the wisest and wealthiest man in the world writes about two kinds of people, the one who gives and increases and one who withholds and decreases.

Godโ€™s Kingdom is counterintuitive, itโ€™s an upside down, inside out, back to front kingdom, so when our natural inclination is to hold on to what we have to make sure that we have enough, God says the more you give the more I will increase what you have.

As Jesus said, โ€œGive and it WILL be given to youโ€ฆโ€

The natural law of sowing and reaping is a powerful example of this spiritual principle. The farmer who sows a crop reaps a harvest, but the farmer who fails to sow will never reap a harvest.

Letโ€™s take King Solomons words to heart as he encourages us to be givers, because the world of those who give gets larger and larger, and the world of those who withhold gets smaller and smaller!

Welcome to day 20 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œWAITโ€

In a world with technology that gives us so much instant access to what we want, we donโ€™t like having to wait!

Waiting isnโ€™t easy because it requires patience

David didnโ€™t rush in and out of Godโ€™s presence but said, โ€œI waited patiently for the Lord, He turned to me, and heard my cry.โ€ Psalm 40:1

Itโ€™s been said, โ€œAll good things come to those who waitโ€

Here are a just few of those things, when we wait on the Lord

The Lord is good to those who wait for him Lamentations 3:25

When we wait on the Lord He will strengthen our heart Psalm 27:14

Those who wait on the Lord, shall inherit the earth. Psalm 37:9

Those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

So letโ€™s take time each day this year to be โ€œStill before the Lord and wait patiently for himโ€ Psalm 37:7

Welcome to day 21 of our 21 day Reset!
Our word for today is the word โ€œGOโ€

When Jesus stood with His disciples on the Mount of Olives after His resurrection, He gave them His last command, and first priority, โ€œGo into all the world and make disciples.โ€

After He had spoken these things He ascended into Heaven.

As the disciples stared into the sky two angels appeared to them and said, โ€œwhy do you stand gazing into heaven?โ€
What they were saying was, โ€œdonโ€™t just stand there gazing into heaven, go and do what Jesus sent you to do!โ€

Too often we can find ourselves gazing into heaven waiting for God to do something, when God is saying, โ€œGo, and when you go, I will be with you!โ€

Letโ€™s make a decision that we are going to be proactive in doing all God has called us to do this year, knowing that when we do He will go with us, and be with us every step of the way!