Hi Newport Church Family,
We pray that you are experiencing God's grace, favor and provision.
We are now in day six of our 21 Days of Prayer, when we are praying for 12 specific things every day.
The first of these is “Payer for our Nation,” which is especially important in these days leading up to the election.
The second is “Prayer for the strength and growth of our Church,” and that we experience God’s supernatural presence, power and provision in the coming days.
The other 10 points are things that each one of us choose, specific to our own lives and world, believing that God will do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or imagine.
Eleanor Roosevelt said:
"At all times, day by day, we have to continue fighting for freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom from want, for these are things that must be gained in peace as well as in war."
When we pray, we are doing precisely that, using what Paul describes as "weapons of warfare, that are not human but spiritual, with divine power."
We are coming against our spiritual enemy, who wants to kill steal and destroy our freedom, but God’s word tells us that the fervent prayer of the righteous has great reward.
So let's pray with faith and confidence knowing the authority that we have in Christ and that God has His ear inclined to our prayer. God is not only willing, but able to respond as we pray that His kingdom come and His will done in every area and sphere of life.
Thank you to each and every one of you who are investing your time, talent and treasure partnering with us in building our church and God's kingdom.
Let’s never forget that when we apply God kingdom principles to our lives, we see kingdom results and God promises to multiply the seed that we sow together.
If you would like to give a donation, your tithe or offering now you can do so by clicking here.
Thank you! Your generosity is making an eternal difference.
We look forward to seeing you in church tomorrow, it’s going to be a great day and of course it won't be the same without you!
Come early for a cup of coffee, we would love to connect with you.
We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan and Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors