Thanksgiving is a time when we focus and reflect with grateful hearts for all that God has blessed us with.
During this Thanksgiving season, let’s take every opportunity to count our blessings, giving thanks for all that we have, and for all those who have gone before us by giving their time, talent, treasure and sometimes lives to serve the Kingdom of God, that we could know His love and grace. Because of those who served before us, we now have the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to carry the torch and do the same by paving the way for future generations.
give thanks!
We want to hear how God has been faithful to you!
sow into our future and leave a legacy for our children’s children and future generations to come, just as others have done for us.
Jesus said,
“Freely you have received, freely give”
Matthew 10:8
We’re believing God will bring supernatural provision to your house and God’s house as we partner in sowing into our annual Thanksgiving Offering!