Last Night, Pastor Jonathan Wilson and our team unveiled the practical steps we can take to build towards our vision of "being a hub of HOPE + FAITH" to our community and beyond.
First, Ps Jonathan spoke about the importance of engagement with the people in our world. As we focus on being MORE LIKE JESUS this year, Ps Jonathan encouraged us to do what Jesus did and extend a personal invitation to be in the presence of God and be a disciple of Jesus. We have created these beautiful invitations as a tool people can use to extend a personal invitation to people in their world.
Next, we announced our new weekly schedule beginning March 1! Our team has thought thoroughly about creating spaces to disciple and equip people so they can go out and do the work of the ministry in their world and bring people into the life of the church so they can have a connection with Christ.
Sundays -
CHURCH! 10AM + 6:30PM - We're encouraging everyone to make a commitment to be in one of our church services every week.
Mondays -
[NEW] Word + Life Courses - On Monday nights we'll be holding our Word + Life courses for people who want to go deeper in studying the Word of God or learn skills that are going to help them flourish in their lives.
Tuesdays -
The Upper Room Prayer Meeting - 6AM - 7AM - we invite everyone to come and be apart of our prayer team as they lift the church up in prayer.
Life Groups - At Newport Church, we believe in doing life together! We encourage everyone to be apart of a Life Group to build healthy, life giving relationships within the church. [Life Groups meet other days too! Check for more info!]
Wednesdays -
[NEW] Youth Small Groups (1st-3rd Weeks of the Month) 7PM - Youth Small Groups meet at the church then head out to hang, have fun, and talk about what God is doing in their life with our youth team. There is a boys small group and girls small group.
[NEW] Youth United Night (4th Wednesday of the Month) 7PM - United Night is happening the fourth Wednesday of the month, beginning March 28th! Join us for a time of fun, worship, and an encounter with God!
Thursdays -
Life + Leadership for Men (2nd Thursday of the Month) 7PM - The men of Newport Church gather every month for Life + Leadership for Men w/ Ps Jonathan Wilson! We want to equip men to live their best life and lead in their sphere of influence. This year, we'll be going through "Mansfield's Book of Manly Men" a book teaching Godly masculinity through stories of great men through history.
[NEW] Team Night [w/ ALL TEAMS] (3rd Thursday of Every Month) 7PM - If you want to serve in the life of our church TEAM NIGHT is the place to be! Its a place where we equip our teams with the culture of our church and then send them off to prepare for the month ahead!
Fridays -
Sisterhood (First Friday of the Month) 7PM - Sisterhood exists to gather + equip + mobilize the women in the life of the church! Come to Sisterhood to hear about weekly points of connection w provide to people as well!
Food with Love - Every week our team goes out to feed the families of people with food at risk children in our neighboring city of Santa Ana. If you have Fridays open and have a heart for the community, we want to encourage you to consider being apart of this incredible team!
Partnership with The Imagine Foundation - Every Friday afternoon, we partner with The Imagine Foundation to bring hope to kids in desperate situations, teaching them self-esteem, resilience, and belonging.
We hope that inspires you! We're excited about all thats ahead of us this year!