But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.                                                                                                                          Matthew 6:33

New year is a time when we all evaluate our priorities and resolutions for the New Year.

The reality is that 90% of New Year’s resolutions are broken within the first few weeks of the year. Old habits die hard and it takes more than will power and commitment alone to reach our goals. 

The only way to see the results we want is to develop new priorities. Whatever we put first will determine the shape of our lives. 

 This is what Jesus says in the sermon on the mount, “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you  Jesus is saying, that whatever we put first will determine what’s added to our lives. In this case, Jesus has been talking about our daily needs, food, clothing, finance and provision for our everyday life.

Jesus is saying, that whatever we put first will determine what’s added to our lives. In this case, Jesus has been talking about our daily needs, food, clothing, finance and provision for our everyday life.

Jesus promises that if we seek His Kingdom first and live by His Kingdom principles then He will add all those things that we need to our lives.

 When we make the decision to do that, everything changes and that’s  because we begin to live by Kingdom principles rather than personal preference. 

We must all ask ourselves this vital question, “am I living by Kingdom principle or personal preference?” 

We must never forget that our principles determine our priorities, our priorities determine our practices and our practices determine the pattern of our lives.

Let’s live by Kingdom principle with God’s kingdom first!
