Hi Newport Church Family,
We trust that your week has been filled with God’s grace and favor.
Worship and Communion Service this Evening Saturday Oct 3rd 6-7pm!
We are very much looking forward to our outdoor worship and communion service this evening. We hope that you can join us for what will be an awesome time of worship together and an opportunity for us to encourage each other in person.
We have plenty of room to cater for everyone’s different levels of comfort with regard to social distancing and we would love to see you all.
Let’s do everything we can to be there and to invite our family and friends. Here is a link with all of the details of the evening. Can’t wait to see you all!
Our Attitude Determines our Altitude
Victor Frankl who survived the horrors of a concentration camp in WWII said, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”
His words are a powerful reminder to us that we can choose to have an attitude and spirit that will enable us to be an overcomer, rather than to be overcome, in the very worst of circumstances.
Caleb one of the 12 spies who along with Joshua came back with a good report of the Promised land exemplified this kind of attitude and spirit. As a result God said:
But my servant Caleb has a different attitude than the others have. He has remained loyal to me, so I will bring him into the land he explored. His descendants will possess their full share of that land
Numbers 14:24 NLT
Caleb is a powerful example of how our attitude determines our altitude.
Keeping a Nose Up Attitude
When an aircraft is in flight, it must have the right attitude for optimum performance. Its attitude is the angle of the nose of the aircraft in relation to the horizon and will determine whether it gains or loses altitude.
In very basic aeronautical terms, a nose up attitude will cause the aircraft to climb and gain altitude, a nose down attitude will cause the aircraft to descend and lose altitude.
Even when the aircraft is maintaining a constant altitude, it must have a nose up attitude for optimum performance.
Our attitude will always determine our altitude!
We can’t lift to a higher altitude without the right attitude. A nose down attitude will make it impossible to gain altitude because lift is directly related to attitude.
If we want our lives to lift, we must have the right attitude.
Our attitude will determine whether we ascend or descend, whether we rise upwards or spiral downwards in turbulent atmospheres and the storms of life.
Optimum Attitude + Optimum Power = Optimum Performance
A pilot is continually making the necessary adjustments to the attitude and power of the plane to ensure optimum altitude and performance.
Attitude is something that requires constant attention, and constant correction.
We don’t get a right attitude, we have to keep a right attitude!
How important it is that we are constantly adjusting our attitude so that we can live at a higher altitude, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
With optimum attitude and optimum power we can live at optimum altitude, and no atmospheric disturbance or storm will be able to take us off course!
Let’s have the same spirit and attitude as Caleb, so that each one of us can possess God’s promises and fulfill our unique part in seeing God’s Kingdom come and His will be done.
Thank you for your Generosity
Once again a big thank you for your faithful giving of donations, tithes and offerings. Your giving is making a difference, and we could not do what we are doing without each one of you doing your part!
Jesus said that that if we give, God will give back to us pressed down, shaken together and running over into our laps.
Here is a story that illustrates this powerful truth:
A farmer was known for his generous giving and his friends could not understand how he could give so much and yet remain so prosperous. One day a spokesman for his friends said. "We can’t understand you. You give far more than any of the rest of us and yet you always seem to have more to give." "Oh that is easy to explain," the farmer said. "I keep shoveling into God's bin and God keeps shoveling back into mine and God has the bigger shovel!
God is faithful and we will never be able to out-give Him!
Praying for Healing, Spiritual Awakening and Unity
Let’s keep praying for our nation and world at this time, especially as we draw nearer to the national election.
Proverbs 14:34 says: “Righteousness [moral and spiritual integrity and virtuous character] exalts a nation.”
Let’s pray at this time for righteousness and peace to prevail, that God would turn back the tide of COVID-19, bring healing, spiritual awakening and unity to our world and to breathe new life into our church.
We would love you to join our 6am prayer meeting led by Rino Chantana and you can do so by clicking on this link.
We also encourage you to take some time to pray at 7.14 every morning and evening, twice a day with one voice, wherever you may be. #UNITE714
We very much look forward to you joining us on Sunday at 10 am and connecting through the many zoom call opportunities we have available during the week.
Let’s continue to be a voice of hope and faith in these days!
We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors