Hi Newport Church Family,

We pray that you are in good, health, heart and spirit.


Moving Forward!

After 7 years in our current location it’s time for us to move and begin a new chapter for our church, and our vision and mission to be a hub of hope and faith for our community and beyond.

Over the last weeks we have been focusing on the Apostle Peter’s revelation that we are Living Stones being built into a Spiritual House.

Jesus said, “I will build My church,” and He is building His church with living stones, like you and me!

Peter emphasizes that the church is not a building but it is the local and global community of God’s people, who live with Jesus as their Cornerstone and with Christ and His church at the center of their lives.

We are the Church! As we move into a mobile location let’s never lose sight of this revelation as we pray, carry and lead through our faith and example.

And let’s ask God for increase as Jabez did, believing that as he received what he asked for, so shall we!

“Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.                            1 Chronicles 4:10 NKJV


Our Presence and Engagement Makes All the Difference!

Our word for the year in 2021 was “Presence” and this year it is “Engage!”

God’s presence makes all the difference and our presence makes all the difference as we engage and respond to all that God has called us individually and collectively to be.

Our presence can not only make a difference but be the difference to many who have yet to find new life and hope as they connect with Christ, life giving relationships and their God given purpose.

In this next season it’s our presence and engagement through every activity and ministry expression of our church that will enable us to reach more people than ever before with the love and saving power of Jesus!


Team Night this Tuesday August 30th at 7pm

This Tuesday all of our Teams and Life Groups will be meeting at the church building at 7pm for the final pack up and move to our new location.

We would love to have you join us for this important evening, your presence will make a difference!

Once again a big thank you to all those who have been helping us with our move over recent weeks. We couldn’t have done it without you!


Sunday Service Tomorrow

Tomorrow is our last Sunday Service in our current building and we would love to have you join us we celebrate all that God has done over the last 7 years and ask God to do above and beyond all that we could ever ask or imagine in this next season.

As we move forward let’s remember the power of being in unison and in unity.

So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.                                    Acts 2:46-47 NKJV


Thank you for you Generosity

A big thank you to all who have contributed so faithfully and generously to our vision and mission, your generosity is especially important at this time as we reset and rebuild in this next season.

If would like to give a donation, tithe or offering now you can do so by clicking here.

Thank you!

We can’t wait to see you tomorrow and on September 4th for our first Sunday in our new location at the Newport Big 6 Movie Theater!

We love and appreciate you all greatly

Jonathan and Dianne Wilson

Senior Pastors