Hi Newport Church Family,

We pray that you are in good, health, heart and spirit.


We’ve Moved to Newport Big 6 Theater!

Tomorrow we begin a new season and we are so excited to gather as we worship together in our new venue.

Every new season brings an opportunity to reset, refresh and reflect on the goodness of our God, who has brought us this far and will continue to complete in and through us, that which He has begun.

As the Apostle Paul said:

I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

Phil 1:6 NLT


Thank you!

A big thank you to all those who helped us pack up and move out of our building, which was a monumental exercise. We couldn’t have done it without you and your participation and willingness to help with such cheerful spirits was a testimony to the power of a great team!


New Opportunities to Serve!

Our transition from church in a permanent facility to being mobile gives us all opportunities to serve in new ways and to make every Sunday a time when we can set the table with excellence for visitors and for our church family.

So we want to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to our whole church to help us do this by joining one of our teams.


Find your own Place at your own Pace

Even though we often feel unqualified when we do things that we’ve never done before, all we need to do is to be willing and available, and we will be amazed at how God uses us.

We have said for many years that we can all find our place at our own pace in our church..

If you volunteer we will provide training and an opportunity for you to serve in a team that we are confident will be amongst the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences of your week.


Inviting our Friends and Family

Let’s also make the most of the opportunity to invite our family and friends to join us in our new location.

We have invitation cards which will be on the seats this Sunday, along with extra cards in our foyer for you take as needed.

Your invitation could be the very thing that changes the course and eternal destiny of someone’s life this week.

I will be forever thankful to those who shared the gospel with me and invited me to church all those years ago.

It changed the course and destiny of my life!

Thank You for your Generosity

A big thank you to all those who have faithfully given their donations, tithes and offerings over the months and years.

Your giving is the difference that makes it possible for us to be a hub of hope and faith.

We appreciate your contribution greatly and we extend the invitation to you all to partner with us in the greatest cause of all.

If you would like to give now you can do so by clicking here.

Thank you!

Can’t Wait to See You!

We can’t wait to see you, your family and friends tomorrow at 10am in our new venue:

Newport Big 6 Theater
300 Newport Center Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92660

It’s going to be a significant and special day and we can’t wait to welcome you!

Never forget that your presence makes a difference and it won’t be the same without you!

We love and appreciate you all greatly

Jonathan and Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors