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Introduction to Discovery

Introduction to Discovery

What is it?

If you are new to Newport Church and/or have completed the Following Jesus course, we encourage you to take Discovery as your next step.

Discovery is the DNA of Newport Church. Learn about the history of our church, our core values, discover your God-given gifts, and find your purpose as you serve in the body of Christ, His Church.

How do I join?

Classes take place every Sunday between 9:30-9:55 am. Classes do not need to be taken in order, but it's highly encouraged. Jump in at any time.

101 is on the 1st Sunday of the month.
201 is on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
301 is on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
401 is on the 4th Sunday of the month.

Get Started!

Discovery 101

Discovery 101


Discovery 201

Discovery 201


Discovery 301

Discovery 301


Discovery 401

Discovery 401