Website Updates

Find here all the information you need to update the website.
If something is missing from here, please contact your creative team lead and we will add it for you!
We want all the information you need to be as easy to find as possible.



If you ever add any content to the website that needs to be updated periodically - please add a title (with link) to the content so we can periodically check on it. Ex: Life group page needs to be updated periodically to show our new groups.

website Guide: * Needs refresh ** Needs update IP: In progress *19*: COVID 19 info



Weekly Updates

Pending Updates

Pages that need Updating (they currently have incorrect/incomplete information and/or have very outdated photos):

Need to be updated post COVID

Pages that need a Refresh

Updated Images
* kids
* food with love
* ps jonathan and di
* kingdom builders
* pastoral care
* sisterhood
* life group
* worship team (worship + create)
* congregation worshipping (worship + create)
* baby dedications

Future Projects

  • Community/Outreach - consider changing name to outreach. new page started: need to be finished

  • Discovery - Previously started rough draft is on Squarespace and needs to be finished. Previously received this as an example of the functionality

  • Baby Dedications - maybe on pastoral care page?

  • Next Steps - page that has a one stop shop…. Basically a page that walks someone through how to take the next step in their faith… include an easy pathway…. following jesus, get baptized, discovery course, welcome lunch …. See below discussion point

  • Volunteer Onboarding Page- this would be an internal page that is for our new volunteers to reference basics on cultures, and what they need to get involved (zoom,, slack, etc.)

Things to Discuss

  • App - Keep? IF so, need to update.

  • Prayer - do we need a special spot for prayer/praise reports? Or is it sufficient to have this type of thing submitted through the pastoral care form.

  • Next steps - following jesus, baptism, discovery, … should we include serve, pastoral care, and life group in that?

  • Young Families - Consider removing and making a new page if/when we have a LG for it and/or a pastor over the area; also include a link there to baby dedications?

Forms on Website
* Connect Card
* KB
* Pastoral Care
* Serve/Volunteer (IP)
* Spanish

Internal Forms
- Count
- FWL Count
- LG Count

Need online system for LGs
Need to update form to be more comprehensive on spanish page.





(delete on: ##.##.##)


Form instructions *important*

NEW forms should be avoided! If possible, find a way to incorporate new information into an existing form. If not possible - Add the form to the above list. If it’s a temporary form for something like an event sign up, add it to the temporary form list. Include a deletion date.

Form Management

All forms are compiled onto a google spreadsheet. Any new forms need to be added to that spreadsheet. Information filled out on forms is confidential and only to be accessed by pastoral care or appropriate team members..

Text / Links Removed

from Website (for reference or possible future use)

LG discussion Questions:

LG on Break:
on break…
Starting ________. Please fill out the GET CONNECTED button if you’re interested in joining a life group while we are on break. We would love to connect with you!