Hi Newport Church Family,
We trust you are well and experiencing God’s grace and favor.
The Journey of Easter
This week, along with Christians all over the world, we are remembering the most significant week in human history. Along with the day of Jesus’ birth, the events of the week between Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday are the pivotal moments in God’s redemptive plan to rescue humankind and restore our relationship with Him.
Till the End of Time
As we focus on these events, Jesus’ Triumphal entry into Jerusalem, His crucifixion, death and resurrection our theme will be, “Till the end of time”.
Jesus’ promised His disciples that He would be with us always till the end of time.
As we celebrate the highs and lows of the Journey of Easter, we are excited about the opportunity we have as a church to gather together and experience God’s presence and the reality of Jesus’ promise that He will be with us until the end of time.
We would love to have you join us in person and for you to invite and bring your family and friends for all three of our Easter services.
Palm Sunday – 11am
Good Friday – 7pm One hour worship, communion and message
Easter Sunday - 10am English, 12pm Spanish
New 10 am Service Time Starting Easter Sunday!
Our Sunday morning service times will be changing from 11am to 10am, starting on Easter Sunday April 4th.
We are looking forward to welcoming all of you who have been watching online and are ready to gather in person as things open up and we enter this new spring season.
This is How we Know Love!
John 3:16 is one of the best known and most quoted bible verses.
For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. NLT
The Apostle John, who wrote these words, echoes this verse many years after Jesus’ death and resurrection in his letters to the early church. Interestingly, and I believe uncoincidentally, the chapter and verse are identical and the message the same.
This is how we know love: Jesus laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. I John 3:16 CEB
This is how we know love, God gave His Son, and we show our love by giving our lives to help others in the same way that Jesus gave Himself for us.
Let’s show our love to each other and to our world as Jesus did, through our time, talent and treasure, so that God’s kingdom of love will come and His will be done.
Our Time
One of the ways we do this is by giving some of your time to serve on one of our teams, either on Sunday or during the week.
All you need is a willing heart and we can find a place for you where you can enjoy the blessing of serving others.
If you have some time on a Friday between 11.30 and 1.30pm, our Food with Love Team, who provide food for over 700 people every week, would love to have you join them.
Our Talent
Every one of us has was born with a God-given talent and ability. Your unique gifts and talents can be used to create a place that is a hub of hope and faith to our community and beyond.
Whether its welcoming people, serving in our coffee shop, our kids church, our technical, media, worship or any other team, your time and talents make a difference. Let’s use them for the glory of God, bringing hope to others and enjoy the rewards both here and in heaven!
Our Treasure
Every one of us has something that we can give. Jesus made it clear that when we are giving, it’s not the size of our gift that God measures, but it’s the level of sacrifice involved.
Jesus watched as the people put their offerings into the temple offering box and when he saw a widow give two small copper coins He told His disciples, “this woman has given more than all the others put together, they contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had.”
All of us are the beneficiaries of what others have given, beginning with Jesus, through every generation that gave and made sacrifices so that we could know and experience God’s love and grace.
Now it’s our turn to do our part and pave the way for others so that they can know the hope that we have received.
Once again a big thank you for your faithfulness and generosity.
If you would like to give your donation, tithe or offering now, you can do so by clicking on this link here.
Praying at all Times
Let’s keep praying for God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done, and especially at this time, for healing for all those who have been affected by the recent tragic and senseless shootings in our nation.
As we pray let’s never forget that God’s presence makes all the difference and the importance of our presence to bring comfort and hope to the people in our world.
We look forward to you joining us in person or online for the Journey of Easter beginning tomorrow with Palm Sunday and then on Good Friday at 7pm.
We are thankful for you and love and appreciate you greatly.
With love and blessings,
Jonathan and Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors