Hi Newport Church Family,

We pray that you all had a great Father’s Day and had an opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends. 

We are so thankful that Jesus came to reveal our heavenly Father and make it possible for us to experience God’s love, grace and acceptance through the sacrifice He made for us all.


The Importance and Power of Honor and Gratitude

As I prepared for last Sunday’s Father’s day message, and read once again the parable of the prodigal son, the position of the two sons both at the beginning and end of the story stood out to me in sharp contrast.

The contrast of being lost and found, dead and alive and the importance and power of honor and gratitude as opposed to dishonor and familiarity.

At the beginning of the story the younger son dishonors his father, asks for his inheritance and leaves home on a journey destined for disaster.

The older son stays at home but is silent. He shows no effort to plead with his brother to refrain from dishonoring his father and bringing shame on the family.

One brother strayed, the other brother stayed. One brother was vocal the other brother was silent. One brother is lost, the other brother is seemingly found and in his rightful place at home.

Jesus paints the picture that it was not just one brother who was lost, but in fact both brothers were lost, one away from home and one at home. He also revealed how both brothers showed dishonor and familiarity in their attitude to their father and each other.

As the story progresses the younger son comes to his senses, turns homeward and is welcomed home in the open arms of His forgiving father.

The son who was lost is now found, dishonor is replaced with honor, and familiarity with gratitude as the younger son humbles himself before his father.

And as he is welcomed home the door to all that is in his father’s house is opened to him.

By contrast the son who stayed, despite his father’s pleading, dishonors his father in an attitude of familiarity, refusing to accept and celebrate his brother’s return.  

The brother who stayed is left standing at the door, lost outside, while the brother who strayed is found inside, celebrating that he is home with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. 

Jesus uses the contrast between the two sons to powerfully demonstrate the fruit of both honor and dishonor, familiarity and gratitude.

As we move into the second half of this year, let’s make sure that we never underestimate the power of familiarity to creep into our lives and rob us of all that God has for us. At the same time let’s remember the powerful truth within this story that honor and gratitude are keys to opening the door to Gods very best.

 Familiarity is the forerunner of dishonor just as gratitude paves the way for honor, and wherever we find honor and gratitude, God’s miraculous power and provision are always revealed!


July 4th Sunday Service is Moving to Friday July 2nd 7.00 to 8pm

On the weekend of 4th of July we will be holding our weekend service on Friday July 2nd from 7.00 to 8pm.

We will be having an extended time of worship, along with a powerful message and a BBQ at 6pm before the service. So come with an appetite for food, worship, the word and a time to connect with family and friends!


Generosity and the Promises of God

The Bible is filled with thousands of promises to those who honor God and His Word.

Many of these promise are connected to our generosity, revealing that generosity opens the door to God’s promises.

We encourage you to take time read God’s promises, and remind Him of them as you give your donations, tithes and offerings, just as a child would remind their parent of the promises they have made.

I particularly love this promise from the book of Numbers 23:19, and I quote it often as I pray and remind God of His faithful promises.


God is not a man, so he does not lie.
    He is not human, so he does not change his mind.
Has he ever spoken and failed to act?
    Has he ever promised and not carried it through?


God will do what He says He will do, so lets read His promises, believe His promises, thank Him for His promises and remind Him of promises.

 Thank you for partnering with us through your generosity, never forget that your giving is paving the way for others to know the love and grace of God that we enjoy today.

If you were not able to contribute yet to our Miracle offering or if you would like to give online now, you can do so by clicking here.

Let’s make a difference and be the difference we want to see in our world.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow in our 10am service, it’s going to be a great day in God’s house and it won’t be the same without you.

If you can’t join us in person you can of course join us online.


We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Pastor Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors
