
Pray for all People

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust that your week has been filled with God’s grace and favor.

With just over three weeks to the Election and the ongoing debate over the reopening of schools, businesses, churches and other places of public gathering, this is a time for us as the church to pray!
Pray for all People
Paul wrote to his son in the faith


I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. For, there is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus. He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone.

1 Timothy 2:1-6

Paul encourages Timothy and the church to pray, and then reminds them about the purpose of that prayer which is that, “everyone be saved and understand the truth.”

Let’s never forget that this is God’s purpose and plan and that we as the church are central to His purpose.

Purpose is one of the greatest antidotes to pain, disappointment and discouragement and when we have purpose in the midst of our pain it elevates us, energizes us and puts hope and faith in our hearts.

Although we are surrounded by so much uncertainty, turmoil and division and may well feel overwhelmed at times, we can be certain that whatever happens in the coming weeks, God’s purpose has not changed and that He is Sovereign and on the throne!

Let’s pray, as Paul encourages us to pray, for all people, our leaders and all in authority, remembering that, “the heart of the king is like a river in the Lord’s hand and He directs it wherever He will”. (Proverbs 21:1) And as Jesus taught us to pray, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.

Pray for our Re-entry

My message this Sunday is entitled, “The Angle and Attitude of Re-entry” and I will be talking about the importance of how we re-enter the many places and spaces that have been closed to us this year, including gathering in our church building.

Please pray with us for restrictions to continue to lift so that we can resume our Sunday services in early November.

Our plan is to have three options available:

  • Option 1 – Online

  • Option 2 – In person Outside (where we have been meeting in recent weeks)

  • Option 3 – In person in our Auditorium   

Pray for Provision

Every vision needs a plan, and every vision needs provision.

Jesus taught us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread”.

Please pray with us for Provision for our Vision, and that the Holy Spirit will remind and encourage each one of us about the significance of our donations, tithes and offerings. What a privilege it is to partner with God so that everyone might be saved and understand the truth.”

Thank you for your faithful giving, you are making a difference!
Our next Worship and Communion Service

Our next worship and communion service will be on Saturday, October 17th 6pm-7pm, so please mark your calendars and let’s invite our family and friends for an uplifting and faith building evening together.
We look forward to you joining us on Sunday at 10 am and connecting through the many zoom call opportunities we have available during the week.
Let’s continue to be a voice of hope and faith in these coming days!

Let’s continue to be a voice of hope and faith in these days! 

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



Our Attitude Determines our Altitude

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust that your week has been filled with God’s grace and favor.

Worship and Communion Service this Evening Saturday Oct 3rd 6-7pm!

We are very much looking forward to our outdoor worship and communion service this evening. We hope that you can join us for what will be an awesome time of worship together and an opportunity for us to encourage each other in person.

We have plenty of room to cater for everyone’s different levels of comfort with regard to social distancing and we would love to see you all.

Let’s do everything we can to be there and to invite our family and friends. Here is a link with all of the details of the evening. Can’t wait to see you all!


Our Attitude Determines our Altitude

Victor Frankl who survived the horrors of a concentration camp in WWII said, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”

His words are a powerful reminder to us that we can choose to have an attitude and spirit that will enable us to be an overcomer, rather than to be overcome, in the very worst of circumstances.

Caleb one of the 12 spies who along with Joshua came back with a good report of the Promised land exemplified this kind of attitude and spirit. As a result God said:

But my servant Caleb has a different attitude than the others have. He has remained loyal to me, so I will bring him into the land he explored. His descendants will possess their full share of that land

Numbers 14:24 NLT

Caleb is a powerful example of how our attitude determines our altitude.


Keeping a Nose Up Attitude

When an aircraft is in flight, it must have the right attitude for optimum performance. Its attitude is the angle of the nose of the aircraft in relation to the horizon and will determine whether it gains or loses altitude.

 In very basic aeronautical terms, a nose up attitude will cause the aircraft to climb and gain altitude, a nose down attitude will cause the aircraft to descend and lose altitude.

Even when the aircraft is maintaining a constant altitude, it must have a nose up attitude for optimum performance.

 Our attitude will always determine our altitude! 

We can’t lift to a higher altitude without the right attitude. A nose down attitude will make it impossible to gain altitude because lift is directly related to attitude.

If we want our lives to lift, we must have the right attitude.

Our attitude will determine whether we ascend or descend, whether we rise upwards or spiral downwards in turbulent atmospheres and the storms of life.


Optimum Attitude + Optimum Power = Optimum Performance

A pilot is continually making the necessary adjustments to the attitude and power of the plane to ensure optimum altitude and performance. 

Attitude is something that requires constant attention, and constant correction. 

We don’t get a right attitude, we have to keep a right attitude!

How important it is that we are constantly adjusting our attitude so that we can live at a higher altitude, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

With optimum attitude and optimum power we can live at optimum altitude, and no atmospheric disturbance or storm will be able to take us off course! 

Let’s have the same spirit and attitude as Caleb, so that each one of us can possess God’s promises and fulfill our unique part in seeing God’s Kingdom come and His will be done. 


Thank you for your Generosity

Once again a big thank you for your faithful giving of donations, tithes and offerings. Your giving is making a difference, and we could not do what we are doing without each one of you doing your part!

Jesus said that that if we give, God will give back to us pressed down, shaken together and running over into our laps.

Here is a story that illustrates this powerful truth:

A farmer was known for his generous giving and his friends could not understand how he could give so much and yet remain so prosperous. One day a spokesman for his friends said. "We can’t understand you. You give far more than any of the rest of us and yet you always seem to have more to give." "Oh that is easy to explain," the farmer said. "I keep shoveling into God's bin and God keeps shoveling back into mine and God has the bigger shovel! 


God is faithful and we will never be able to out-give Him!


Praying for Healing, Spiritual Awakening and Unity

Let’s keep praying for our nation and world at this time, especially as we draw nearer to the national election. 

Proverbs 14:34 says: “Righteousness [moral and spiritual integrity and virtuous character] exalts a nation.”


Let’s pray at this time for righteousness and peace to prevail, that God would turn back the tide of COVID-19, bring healing, spiritual awakening and unity to our world and to breathe new life into our church.

We would love you to join our 6am prayer meeting led by Rino Chantana and you can do so by clicking on this link.  

We also encourage you to take some time to pray at 7.14 every morning and evening, twice a day with one voice, wherever you may be. #UNITE714 

We very much look forward to you joining us on Sunday at 10 am and connecting through the many zoom call opportunities we have available during the week.

Let’s continue to be a voice of hope and faith in these days! 

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



What do you See? Opening our Spiritual Eyes

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust that your week has been filled with God’s grace and favor.

What an awesome worship night we had last Saturday evening! A big thank you to our team, our guests Jake and Raquel Damron, and to all those who contributed to make it such a special evening.
Worship and Communion Service Next Saturday October 3rd

We will be gathering for our next worship and communion evening next Saturday October 3rd, so let’s do everything we can to be there and to invite our family and friends. Our presence makes a difference and we would love to see you so that we can encourage one another in person! Click Here for the event details.

What do you See? 

The word “reimagine” is being used more and more frequently as we navigate our way through challenging times, with hope of a better future.

The dictionary definition of the word is: to imagine again or anew
Especially: to form a new conception of or recreate
It means to see something different for our future.
Ezekiel had a vision of a valley of dry bones, and all he could see was dry, lifeless bones around him. God asked him, “Can these bones live? Can you see these bones coming to life, rising up out of the dust of the valley?”
Ezekiel answered, “Lord, only you know the answer to that!”
The valley of dry bones was a prophetic picture of the nation of Israel, who having been divided in two, were in captivity in Babylon, while Jerusalem and the Temple lay destroyed and in ruins.
At this time, in the midst of the corona pandemic, racial and political division, economic uncertainty and rising tension as we approach the general election, the same question could be asked of us by God, “What do you see?”
If all that we see is what is reported on TV, by the media, or social media, we could well reply as Ezekiel did, “All I see is a valley of dry bones!”
Opening our Spiritual Eyes

Yet if we ask God to open our spiritual eyes, as He did for Ezekiel, we will see God moving where there appears to be no movement, breathing life into that which is dead, awakening that which is dormant, and continuing to advance His purpose and plan for our world.
It’s so easy to look at all that is happening around us and to see nothing but a valley of dry bones, but as a people of faith we see with different eyes. We see the potential of new life, hope in the midst of hopelessness, healing in the midst of brokenness, love that conquers hate, unity that prevails over division and a spiritual awakening for our world.
Jesus said, “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.”
If we open our eyes we see that our world is in dire need of hope, peace, meaning and purpose, and we know that can only be found in and through Jesus.
There are so many stories in the Bible when God appears to people and asks, “What do you see?”
God is asking us the same question today. “What do we see for our future?”
What we see will determine what we possess.
God led Abraham up to a high mountain where he could see all of the promised land and said:
“Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are—northward, southward, eastward, and westward; for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever”. Gen 13:14-15
Abraham had to see the land before he could walk in it.
Ezekiel had to see the bones coming to life before he prophesied to them and they began to move.
We have to see and reimagine a better future before we can experience it.
Speaking Words of Life
God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the bones, “Speak to these bones for me. Tell them, ‘Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord!’”
As Ezekiel spoke words of life to the bones, the Spirit of God breathed life into them, they began to move, to live and stand up on their feet as an exceedingly great army.
Ezekiel’s ability to see with spiritual eyes and to speak words of life transformed the valley of dry bones into a valley of life.
A Voice of Hope and Faith
Like Ezekiel, let’s open our spiritual eyes to see God bringing life to dry bones, to see a better future and speak words of life as a voice of hope and faith to our world!
God is on the throne, His Kingdom is being established and His will is being done on earth as in Heaven!
Thank you for your Generosity
Once again a big thank you for your faithful giving of donations, tithes and offerings. Even though we are not able to meet in our building, we still have rent and associated expenses to pay, and your generosity continues to be especially important in this uncertain time.
Let’s keep reminding God of His promises to open the windows of heaven and multiply the seed that we sow. God is faithful and He will honor His word as we partner with Him through our giving, so that we can see His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as in heaven.
Praying for Healing, Spiritual Awakening and Unity
Prayer changes things and prayer changes us!
Martin Luther said:
“Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance, but laying hold of His willingness.”
Let’s keep praying that God will turn back the tide of COVID-19, bring healing, spiritual awakening and unity to our world and to breathe new life into our church.
We would love you to join our 6am prayer meeting led by Rino Chantana and you can do so by clicking here.
We also encourage you to take some time to pray at 7.14 every morning and evening, twice a day with one voice, wherever you may be. #UNITE714
We very much look forward to you joining us on Sunday at 10 am and connecting through the many zoom call opportunities we have available during the week.
Let’s continue to be a voice of hope and faith in these days! 

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



The Power of Presence

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust that your week has been filled with God’s grace and favor.

Special Outdoor Worship Evening Tomorrow 6pm-7pm

We are very excited about our Outdoor Worship Evening tomorrow night from 6pm to 7pm. We have two special guests from Tennessee, Jake and Raquel Damron, who along with our team will be leading us in what is going to be a powerful time of worship that you won’t want to miss.

This is going to be an awesome time for us to experience God’s presence together, for hope to rise in our hearts and for us to encourage each other in our faith. 

Let’s do everything we can to not only be present but to invite the people in our world. Here is a link with all of the details that you can send as an invitation to your family and friends.


The Power of our Presence

I have been thinking a lot in recent times about the power of our presence, especially during these times when our ability to be present with our church family has been limited.

Our presence makes a difference wherever we are. We all have the opportunity to make our presence count. When we walk into a room, our presence can change the atmosphere for better or for worse.

 We don’t have to settle for being like a thermometer that reads the prevailing temperature of our environment but rather we can be like a thermostat that sets the temperature, bringing hope and faith to those around us.

I love this verse from Proverbs 27:17, ,“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” NIV

Our presence has the ability to sharpen others and to be sharpened by others. We need each other to stay sharp and not grow dull or blunt.

Other translations highlight the many ways we make a difference in each other’s lives.

As iron sharpens iron, so people improve and help each other, sharpening our insight, minds, wits and countenance.

Let’s never underestimate the power of our presence! 


The Power of God Presence

Jesus said, “For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” Matthew 18:20

Wherever God’s people gather Jesus is present. He is present to heal, to forgive, to save, to rescue, restore and meet us with His power and provision at the very point of our need.

When we are present in God’s presence anything can happen, because He is the God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ever ask or imagine!


The Power of our Presence in our World 

When we go into our community, as Jesus told us to, God goes with us, and our presence and His presence work together to make a powerful difference.

Whether it’s words of hope and faith that we share with those in our world, in person, or through our online services, our presence is making a difference.

When our Food with Love team and ministry take food to those who are in need, and share the love of Jesus with them our presence is making a difference.

When we partner with Vision Rescue, loving, feeding, teaching, providing medical attention and health care for the most vulnerable children on the streets of Mumbai in India, our presence is making a difference.

When our church stands as a hub of hope and faith, as we welcome people home from our community, our presence is making a difference.

None of this would be possible without your generosity, and as a contributing partner to all of the above, your presence is making a difference.

If you would like to partner with us, and contribute to any of the above you can do so by clicking on the link here. Your gift is making a difference! 

Never underestimate the power of your presence! 

Never underestimate the power of our presence in our world!

Never underestimate the power of God’s presence!

Our presence makes all the difference!


Our Prayer makes a Difference

Alfred Tennyson wrote, “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.”

Let us never underestimate the power of our prayer. Prayer changes things, and as we continue the fight against COVID-19, navigate racial and political unrest with a general election less than two months away, we need to pray as Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

We would also love for you to join our weekly prayer meeting led by Rino Chantana at 6am every Tuesday morning, which you can do by clicking on this link.


Can’t wait to see you for our worship night this evening, and for you to join us for our online Church at Home service on Sunday at 10am. 

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



Gatherings at Newport Church and How We're Moving Forward From Here

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust that your week has been filled with God’s grace and favor.

New State and County Guidelines for Churches

A few days ago Orange County moved from a purple to red tier response to COVID-19. This means that the ban on indoor meetings for churches has been lifted, however significant restrictions still remain in place, limiting attendance to 25% of the capacity of our auditorium or 100 people, whichever is less. In addition face coverings must be worn, with no singing and social distancing adhered to.

The mandated guidelines continue to prohibit us from meeting in a way that is both safe yet unencumbered by restrictions that significantly inhibit and limit our worship experience in multiple ways.

In light of this we will continue to monitor the situation closely so that we can make the best decision with both wisdom and faith as to when to resume meeting inside our building. 

The good news is that we can meet outside, as we have already done on three Saturday evenings, and which we will continue to do for the coming weeks as we wait for restrictions for indoor meetings to be lifted.


Saturday Evening Outdoor Worship Nights

 We are excited to be gathering for a Saturday evening Worship and Communion meeting tonight from 6pm – 7pm and then next week for a Worship evening with our team along with two special guest worship leaders!

We would love to have you join us and invite your family and friends to both of these special evenings. Let’s do all that we can to invite the people in our world. Here is a link that you can send to your family and friends with details of the evening: .

Our outdoor gatherings are an important part of our strategy to transition to regular weekly indoor meetings and we greatly value your presence and participation.

These services also give us an opportunity to make adjustments to our schedules which have been so greatly affected by the lockdown over the last six months and to find new ways to serve God and the people in our community of faith in ways that we have not been able to for some time.

At the same time we will of course be continuing our regular online Church at home services every Sunday morning.


Thank you for your Generosity

Once again a big thank you for your faithful giving of donations, tithes and offerings. Even though we are not able to meet in our building, we still have rent and associated expenses to pay, and your generosity continues to be especially important in this uncertain time. 

Let’s keep reminding God of His promises to open the windows of heaven and multiply the seed that we sow. God is faithful and He will honor His word as we partner with Him through our giving, so that we can see His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as in heaven. 


Praying for Healing, Spiritual Awakening and Unity

Let’s keep praying that God will give us favor individually and as a church in this season, and that He will turn back the tide of COVID-19 bringing healing, spiritual awakening and unity to our nation and world.


6am Prayer Meeting every Tuesday Morning

We would love you to join our Tuesday 6am prayer meeting led by Rino Chantana and you can do so by clicking on this link.  

We also encourage you to take some time to pray at 7.14 every morning and evening, twice a day with one voice, wherever you may be. #UNITE714

We very much look forward to you joining us on Sunday at 10 am and connecting through the many zoom call opportunities we have available during the week.

Let’s continue to be a voice of hope and faith in these days!

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



Transitioning through the Seasons Well

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust that you are keeping well and experiencing a fresh measure of grace for this season.

Happy Labor Day weekend to you all! We pray that you have a blessed and happy weekend and enjoy a special time with family and friends.


Our Future is Shaped by the way we Transition though the Seasons

In this Sunday’s message I will be continuing with the series “We’ve never been this way before” and the importance of transitioning well from one season to the next. 

Astronomers and meteorologists define seasons differently. The astronomical start of a season is based on the position of the earth in relation to the sun whereas the meteorological start of a season is based on the annual temperature cycle and the twelve month calendar. 

The meteorological season begins on the first of the month and lasts for 3 months, so September 1st this week was the first day of fall while September 22nd will be the first day of fall in the Astronomical calendar.

The seasons come and the seasons go and we have no choice or control over them, even if we would prefer to live in a perpetual summer!

What we do have however is a choice in is how we transition from one season to the other.

These last six months have been a season that none of us expected or have ever had to navigate before. We have all had to transition from a pre-COVID-19 world to a world in the midst of COVID-19 and soon we are all going to transition into a post-COVID-19 world.

Although we can measure the end and beginning of a season astronomically and meteorologically, God is the only one who knows when this COVID-19 season twill end.

What we do know however, is that the way we transition into the post-COVID 19 season will determine how well we enter the new season when it comes.

God is the God of all seasons, who reveals Himself in different ways in every season and for every season God gives us a special measure of grace.

Let’s prepare for the new season mentally, physically and spiritually rather than simply waiting for things to change, while asking God for a special measure of grace so that we can make the transition in the best possible way. 

God is on the throne and He will lead and guide us through this way that we’ve never been before!


Summer Gatherings

One of the great ways that we can transition as a church is with summer evening outdoor gatherings. These give us an opportunity to gather in an environment where we can worship together, while maintaining the current protocols, and meeting within our own individual levels of comfort.

Our next one hour outdoor Worship and Communion service will be next Saturday September 12th from 6.00 to 7.00pm and we would love for you to join us for what will be an awesome and uplifting time of gathering together. 

Let’s do all that we can to invite the people in our world. Here is a link that you can send to your family and friends with details of the evening:


Thank you for your Generosity and Support of Vision Rescue

A big thank you for your faithful giving of donations, tithes and offerings. Your generosity continues to be especially important in this uncertain time. 

This year we are supporting a classroom of 20 children in Mumbai, India through Vision Rescue, who are experiencing the full force of COVID-19 in an extremely challenging environment.  

For only $300 per year we can provide food, education, health care, life skills training for one child, while sharing the gospel and love of Jesus with those living in the most difficult circumstances.

Here is a link to an inspiring video outlining the awesome work that Vision Rescue are doing:

We encourage you to partner with us and you may make a contribution by clicking on this link.

Thank you once again for the eternal difference you are making!

Praying for Healing, Spiritual Awakening and Unity

Let’s keep praying that God will give us grace and favor in this season, and that He will turn back the tide of COVID-19 bringing healing, spiritual awakening and unity to our nation and world.


6am Prayer Meeting every Tuesday Morning

We would love you to join our 6am prayer meeting led by Rino Chantana and you can do so by clicking on this link.  

We also encourage you to take some time to pray at 7.14 every morning and evening, twice a day with one voice, wherever you may be. #UNITE714

We very much look forward to seeing you at our next outdoor gathering and to you joining us online Sunday at 10 am.

Let’s continue to be a voice of hope and faith!

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



The Importance of Gathering Together

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust that you are keeping well and experiencing a fresh measure of grace for this season.

Summer Night Worship and Communion Service 

We are excited about our one hour worship and communion service this evening from 6.30-7.30pm! This will be our third outdoor service this month and is another great opportunity for us to gather, experience God’s Presence, and to encourage on another in our faith and purpose.

Let’s do all that we can to the people in our world. Here is a link that you can send to your family and friends them with details of the evening: .

We very much look forward to seeing you there.

Jesus said, “I will build My Church…..”

On September 8th it will be six months since we last gathered for a Sunday church service! At that time, no one would have imagined that the disruption to our normal patterns of life would have been so far reaching and restrictive; yet during this time even though we have not been able to hold services in our building, the church has not been closed, silenced or put on hold!

No! Instead we, along with the church worldwide, have found creative ways to gather in our homes as we participate in online services, to make the most of 21st Century technology, to be a voice of hope and faith and to gather in smaller groups while observing all the necessary protocols that help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Jesus said,


“I will build my church; and all the powers of hell shall not prevail against it”
Matthew 16:18


Jesus was not saying that we as the church would be on the defense, desperately fighting off the onslaught of the enemy. No! He was saying that His church would always be on the front foot, taking ground from the enemy and that the gates of hell, where all of the power and authority of the kingdom of darkness reside, would not be able to withstand us!  

Let’s never forget the magnitude and extent of all that we a part of as we build Jesus’ church together.


The Importance and Power of Gathering Together                                              

As we navigate the transition from lockdown to the lifting of restrictions,

outside gatherings give us the opportunity to begin to gather together again as an interim step towards resuming meeting in our building.

The writer of Hebrews encourages us to gather together, whenever and wherever possible, and even though we are facing significant challenges and restrictions in this season, these words that were penned 2,000 years ago are every bit as relevant and powerful today.

This is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing, because we need each other! In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward as we anticipate that day dawning.
Hebrews 10:25 TPT

 We are better together, and we invite you to join us as we encourage and urge each other onwards as a community of faith. 


Thank you for your Generosity

Once again a big thank you for your faithful giving of donations, tithes and offerings. Your generosity continues to be especially important in this uncertain time and on the first Sunday of next month, when we will be giving our Vision 2020 offerings, we will be sharing some of the things that we have been able to do to make a difference in our community and world. 

Keep reminding God of His promises, to open the windows of heaven and multiply the seed that we sow. God is faithful and He will honor His word as we partner with Him through our giving, so that we can see His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as in heaven. 

Praying for Healing, Spiritual Awakening and Unity 

Let’s keep praying that God will give us favor in this season, and that He will turn back the tide of COVID-19 bringing healing, spiritual awakening and unity to our nation and world.


6am Prayer Meeting every Tuesday Morning

We would love you to join our 6am prayer meeting led by Rino Chantana and you can do so by clicking on this link.  

We also encourage you to take some time to pray at 7.14 every morning and evening, twice a day with one voice, wherever you may be. #UNITE714

We very much look forward to seeing you tonight and to you joining us on Sunday at 10 am 

Let’s continue to be a voice of hope and faith!

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



A New School Year and Our Next Gathering

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust that you are keeping well and experiencing a fresh measure of grace for this season.


New School Year

Times like these, when we reengage in a routine that has been interrupted always require more effort and emotional energy, but as we begin to resume the necessary disciplines and practices God gives us new energy and vitality in the process.

Summer Night Worship and Communion Services

This is also a season when are resuming gatherings as a church with outside Worship and Communion services.    

Three weeks ago we had the first of these gatherings on a Saturday evening, when we worshipped and shared communion together in the area in front of our church building. This was the first time we had gathered as a church for five months and it was a special and significant moment for us as a church.

This Saturday August 29th we will have our next Worship and Communion Service from 6.30 to 7.30pm and our plan is to continue to do so regularly until we can transition into meeting once again in our church building. 

In the same way that the summer vacation period changes the routine of students and families, so the impact of COVID-19 has changed and disrupted our ability to gather in person as a church.

These new outdoor gatherings provide us with new opportunities to not only meet together again but to also resume serving in our services, which we have not been able to do with the closure of indoor worship services. 

We are very excited about this and would love for you to join us and invite your family and friends.

As we do God will give us new energy and life as we take these steps.

One of my favorite passages of scripture highlights this truth:

Have you not known?
Have you not heard?
The everlasting God, the Lord,
The Creator of the ends of the earth,
Neither faints nor is weary.
His understanding is unsearchable.
29 He gives power to the weak,
And to those who have no might He increases strength.
30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
And the young men shall utterly fall,
31 But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:28-31 NKJV

If you would like to serve or help in any way in our services or any other of our ministries including our weekly Food with Love ministry, please click on this link, we would love to have you join us.

Thank you for your Generosity

Once again a big thank you for your faithful giving of donations, tithes and offerings. Even though we are not able to meet in our building, we still have rent and associated expenses to pay, and your generosity continues to be especially important in this uncertain time. 

Let’s keep reminding God of His promises to open the windows of heaven and multiply the seed that we sow. God is faithful and He will honor His word as we partner with Him through our giving, so that we can see His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as in heaven. 

Praying for Healing, Spiritual Awakening and Unity

Let’s keep praying that God will give us favor individually and as a church in this season, and that He will turn back the tide of COVID-19 bringing healing, spiritual awakening and unity to our nation and world.

6am Prayer Meeting every Tuesday Morning

We would love you to join our 6am prayer meeting led by Rino Chantana and you can do so by clicking on this link.  

We also encourage you to take some time to pray at 7:14AM every morning and evening, twice a day with one voice, wherever you may be. #UNITE714

We very much look forward to you joining us on Sunday at 10 am and connecting through the many zoom call opportunities we have available during the week.

Let’s continue to be a voice of hope and faith in these days!

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



See You Tonight For Our Second Summer Night Gathering!

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust that you are keeping well and experiencing a fresh measure of grace for this season.


Outdoor Worship and Communion Tonight at 6.30pm!

We are very excited to be holding our second Summer Worship and Communion Night in the parking lot outside our building this evening from 6.30-7.30pm.

Our last event was our first gathering in five months and was a special time for all who were there.

We would love to have as many of you that are able to be with us, join us for this time of communion and worship together. You can click on this link for further details and to RSVP.

Let’s do everything we can to not only be there ourselves, but to invite our family and friends.


 Vision 2020

At the end of last year we shared our vision initiatives for 2020, all of which are outlined in our Vision 2020 brochure.

At that time no one could have imagined the global impact of COVID-19 and many of the other challenging and significant events of this year.

The restrictions on the use of our building have affected many of our initiatives including our plan for a midweek coffee hub, which has had to be put on hold.

Overseas travel has not been possible either so our mission trip to Peru, which included the building of at least one home for a family in need has had to be postponed.

We have therefore needed to reassess all of our initiatives and direct our resources to areas that are both possible and most needful. In the coming weeks we will be sharing these with you.


Food with Love and Vision Rescue

In the meantime, we would like to highlight two of our initiatives. Food with Love has continued to provide much needed food for approximately 100 families every week. A big thank you to Rino Chantana and team and all of those who have faithfully given their time, energy and finance to make this possible.

In addition, our partnership with Vision Rescue in India through our financial support provides food, education, health care and life skills that bring hope and faith every day of the year to a class of 20 children amongst the poorest in Mumbai.

Thank you to all those who have partnered with us in these initiatives. If you would like to help our Food with Love team you can do so by clicking on this link and we will give you further information.

Or if you would like make a donation to either of the above ministries you can do so by clicking on this link.


Prayer for our Nation

Charles Spurgeon said: “Prayer is the slender nerve that moves the muscle of omnipotence”.

With a general election less than three months away, uncertainty and turmoil all around us, this is a time for us to increase our prayer and faith that God would turn back the tide of COVID-19 and bring healing, spiritual awakening and unity to our nation and world.


6am Prayer Meeting every Tuesday Morning

We would love you to join our 6am prayer meeting led by Rino Chantana and you can find out how to do so by clicking on this link.  

We also encourage you to take some time to pray at 7.14 every morning and evening, twice a day with one voice, wherever you may be. #UNITE714

We look forward to you joining us tonight at 6.30pm and on Sunday online at 10am.

Let’s continue to be a voice of hope and faith in these days!

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



Our Next Outdoor Summer Worship and Communion Night!

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust you had a hope and faith filled week!

What a great Summer Worship and Communion Night we had outside the front of our church last Saturday evening! It was a significant evening and it was so good to be able to gather, meet and connect with all those who were able to join us.


Next Outdoor Summer Worship and Communion Night

We have attached some photos of the evening and we would love to see you next Saturday evening August 15th when we will be having another Worship & Communion gathering at 6.30pm. Here is a link with details of the evening and an RSVP so that we can prepare for the evening. Hope to see you all there!


Growing through Seasons of Expansion and Contraction

In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon writes:

To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven

Ecclesiastes 3:1

He goes on to write of the extremes of those seasons, times of war and peace, weeping and laughter, birth and death, of speaking and being silent.

Everything in life happens between the extremes of these seasons, and all growth is dependent on how successfully we navigate those different seasons.

We would all prefer permanent seasons of peace, summer, increase, absence of pain and discomfort, yet we all know that life is not like that, we all have to learn how our soul can flourish in times of famine, how to keep our vision and passion burning in winter and find hope and faith in the midst of difficulty and discouragement.

Life is filled with seasons of both expansion and contraction. Times of expansion when things are going well are naturally much easier to navigate than times of contraction, when we feel the pressure and discomfort of a difficult season.

There is no doubt that this season has been a time of contraction for all of us. With that contraction have come a whole new set of challenges, difficulties and frustrations that have changed the landscape of all of our lives. 

How do we respond in times of contraction? How do we make the most of a season that looks like a set back and make it a season of growth?


Within every Contraction lies the Seed of the next Expansion

Joseph is one of the finest examples of someone who’s life went through a series of expansions and contractions, and learned how to flourish in every season.

In fact, it was his response during seasons of contraction that was the key to his success.

Thrown into a pit by his brothers and sold into slavery in Egypt, Joseph flourished in Potiphar’s house and was promoted to the oversight and entrustment of all his household.

Falsely accused, Joseph was thrown into the king’s prison and the keeper of the prison seeing his faithfulness put him authority and leadership over all of the prisoners.

Every contraction that Joseph experienced was a necessary season to prepare him for the next season of expansion.

Joseph had a personal revelation that within every contraction lies the seed of the next expansion.  

As we navigate this season of contraction be encouraged that within this contraction lies the seed of our next expansion.

This season is preparing us for the next season, and within every challenge, difficulty and frustration, God is forming character and strength within us, so that we can grow and be ready for all that He has in store for each one of us. 

Let’s make the most of this opportunity as we grow together in unity and strength, preparing for all that lies ahead for us individually and as a church.



Thank you for your Generosity

Once again a big thank you for your faithful giving of donations, tithes and offerings. Even though we are not able to meet in our building, we still have rent and associated expenses to pay, and your generosity continues to be especially important in this uncertain time. 

Let’s keep reminding God of His promises to open the windows of heaven and multiply the seed that we sow. God is faithful and He will honor His word as we partner with Him through our giving, so that we can see His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as in heaven. 


Praying for Healing, Spiritual Awakening and Unity

Let’s keep praying that God will give us favor individually and as a church in this season, and that He will turn back the tide of COVID-19 bringing healing, spiritual awakening and unity to our nation and world.


6am Prayer Meeting every Tuesday Morning

We would love you to join our 6am prayer meeting led by Rino Chantana and you can do so by clicking on this link.   

We also encourage you to take some time to pray at 7.14 every morning and evening, twice a day with one voice, wherever you may be. #UNITE714

We very much look forward to you joining us on Sunday at 10 am and connecting through the many zoom call opportunities we have available during the week.

Let’s continue to be a voice of hope and faith in these days!

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



See you tonight for our first Summer Night Gathering!

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust you had a hope and faith filled week!

We are very excited to be holding our Summer Worship and Communion Nightin the parking lot outside our building this evening from 6pm-7pm.

We would love to have as many of you who are able to be with us, join us for this significant moment and time together as a church.

Let’s do everything we can to not only be there ourselves, but to invite our family and friends.

It’s hard to believe but it has been 5 months since we last met in our churchbuilding! At the beginning of this year none of us could have ever imagined the way that this year has turned out, but one thing we can be confident of is that God is never taken by surprise and He is always faithful. 


God’s Grace for every Season

God’s word makes it clear that where problems and crises abound, there God’s grace abounds the more also! 

Every season requires a special grace and when we ask Him, God will give us that special grace for every season.

In times of lack, uncertainty, turmoil and unrest we can ask God to give us that grace. Grace that makes a way where there is no way, grace that attracts resource, provision, favor, opportunity and causes us to prosper in all that we put our hand to.

Joseph knew God’s grace, and prospered in both adversity and favor. Daniel had a special grace on his life and influenced kings and nations. The early church knew great grace and changed our world.

Peter and James both remind us that the special grace that we need for this season will be ours in abundance as we draw closer to God.  

Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
2 Pet 1:2 NIV

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
James 4:8

At the beginning of each new day let’s draw near to God and ask Him for that special grace, so that this season will not be defined by the adverse conditions we are facing but rather by the grace that God gives us and His abundant favor in every area of our lives.


We can be a Voice of Hope and Faith

Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity during this time. Your giving is making a difference and because of you we can continue to be a voice of hope and faith and a storehouse and resource to meet the natural and spiritual need all around us.

The first Sunday of the every month is when we focus on our Vision Initiatives for 2020 and have an opportunity to give our Vision 2020 offerings. If you would like see our initiatives, or have not yet made a commitment and would like to, you can do so by clicking on this link. Thank you once again for your partnership.


Praying for Healing, Spiritual Awakening and Unity

Alfred Tennyson said, “More things are wrought by prayer, than this world dreams of.”

Let’s keep praying that God will give us favor in this season, and turn back the tide of COVID-19 bringing healing, spiritual awakening and unity to our nation and world.


6am Prayer Meeting every Tuesday Morning

We would love you to join our 6am prayer meeting led by Rino Chantana and you can find out how to do so by clicking on this link.  

We also encourage you to take some time to pray at 7.14 every morning and evening, twice a day with one voice, wherever you may be. #UNITE714

We look forward to you joining us this evening, tomorrow at 10am and connecting through the many zoom call opportunities we have available during the week.

Let’s continue to be a voice of hope and faith in these days!

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



Our First Summer Night Gathering of the Year

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust you had a hope and faith filled week!

In the midst of all of the current uncertainty I am reminded of what Paul wrote to the Ephesian church:

Therefore see that you walk carefully [living life with honor, purpose, and courage; shunning those who tolerate and enable evil], not as the unwise, but as wise [sensible, intelligent, discerning people], 16 making the very most of your time [on earth, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence], because the days are [filled with] evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish and thoughtless, but understand and firmly grasp what the will of the Lord is.

Ephesians 5:15-17 AMP

These words are particularly relevant in light of all that is taking place in our world at present. They give us a standard by which we should live in difficult and uncertain times. 

Paul reminds us to make the very most of our time on earth. We only have one life to live and even though we may be in lockdown with our lives on hold in so many ways, we have a choice to either recognize and take advantage of the opportunities that this season presents or simply wait for it to all be over, hoping that things will improve.

This is not a time to wait for things to change but rather to be the change by being a voice of hope and faith, as wise, diligent, sensible, intelligent and discerning people.  

With all that is taking place in our world let’s approach these coming months with honor, purpose and courage. Together we can make a difference!

Outdoor Summer Worship and Communion Night 
Saturday August 1st 6pm-7pm

We are very excited and very much looking forward to our one hour worship and communion night next Saturday! 

This will be held in our parking lot at the front of our church building and we will be following all of the necessary protocols, including social distancing and wearing of masks. 

Let’s make the most of this awesome opportunity to gather for the first time in 20 weeks and invite our family, friends and those in our community.

Click on this link for further details and please RSVP, which will help us prepare for the evening.

Thank you for your Generosity

Once again a big thank you for your faithful giving of donations, tithes and offerings. Even though we are not able to meet in our building, we still have rent and associated expenses to pay, and your generosity continues to be especially important in this uncertain time. 

Don’t forget to keep reminding God of His promises to open the windows of heaven and multiply the seed that you sow. God is faithful and He will honor His word as we partner with Him through our giving, so that His Kingdom will come and His will be done on earth as in heaven. 


Praying for Healing, Spiritual Awakening and Unity

We encourage you join us as we continue to pray that God will give us favor in this season, and that He will turn back the tide of COVID-19 bringing healing, spiritual awakening and unity to our nation and world.


6am Prayer Meeting every Tuesday Morning

We would love you to join our 6am prayer meeting led by Rino Chantana and you can find out how to do so by clicking on this link.  

We also encourage you to take some time to pray at 7.14 every morning and evening, twice a day with one voice, wherever you may be. #UNITE714

We look forward to you joining us on Sunday at 10 am and connecting through the many zoom call opportunities we have available during the week.

Let’s continue to be a voice of hope and faith in these days!

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



Happy Birthday Newport Church!

Hi Newport Church Family,

Happy 14th Birthday! It’s hard to believe but it’s fourteen years ago today that we had our first meeting as a church at 2601 PCH! 

We are so thankful to God for all that He has done in and through our church and for all those who have been a part of our journey and partnered with us building His church over these last fourteen years.

Our very best years as a church are ahead of us and as we continue to build together we can confidently declare God’s promise that of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end!

Going where we’ve Never Been Before 

Last weekend I began a new series “We’ve Never Been this Way Before” which I believe is a significant word for the church in this season.

Just as Joshua told the Israelites to keep their eyes on the Ark as they crossed the Jordan River into the Promised Land, so we need to keep our eyes on God and value and seek His Presence with us more than ever.

As we do this, we will know His power, protection, provision and favor in ever greater measure. God promises that as we seek Him, He will lead and guide us into the fulfillment of our God given purpose and destiny in these difficult and uncertain days.

As Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans, “If God be for us, who can be against us!”

Reopening our Building 

As you will no doubt be aware due to the spike in the numbers of COVID-19 cases in California, Governor Newsom has issued a mandate to once again prohibit indoor meetings in church buildings.

We are not sure how long this restriction will be in place but until these restrictions are removed, we will continue to gather in our homes for our online Sunday services and various midweek zoom gatherings so that we can continue to stay connected to each other as a church family and community.

Outdoor Summer Worship and Communion Night 

We are very excited to announce that on Saturday August 1st at 6pm we will be holding a one hour outdoor worship and communion evening in the parking lot at the front of our church building!

We will of course be following all the necessary protocols, including social distancing and wearing masks, but this will be an awesome opportunity for us to gather as a church for the first time in 20 weeks!

We will be giving further details in our Sunday online services as well as on our website. Pease be praying with us for this day and invite your friends and families to join us what will be a great and significant evening together!

It’s Never Been Easier to Invite people to our Sunday Service

Even though we can’t gather in person let’s remember that it’s never been easier to invite people to our Sunday services as they are so easily accessible online. 

Under normal circumstances attending a service for a first time visitor would involve, getting ready to leave home, driving to church, parking their car, entering an unfamiliar building in unfamiliar surroundings, and engaging in conversation with people they don’t know along with many other unknown elements. 

Now, all that is required is an invitation with a link to click and to watch our service in the privacy and comfort of their home. 

This is one of the great opportunities this season has given us. Imagine how many new people we could reach if each one of us was to send the link to ONE new person every week! 

Let’s make the most of this unprecedented opportunity in this next season and make it a time of ingathering even when we can’t gather in person.

We encourage you to join us in thinking about the ONE person that you could invite, pray for them through the week and invite them to join us by sending them the link to our Sunday service.

It could just be the very thing that changes their lives not just for time but eternity!

Thank you for your Generosity 

Once again a big thank you for your faithful giving of donations, tithes and offerings. Even though we are not able to meet in our building, we still have rent and associated expenses to pay, and your generosity continues to be especially important in this uncertain time. 

Let’s keep reminding God of His promises to open the windows of heaven and multiply the seed that we sow. God is faithful and He will honor His word as we partner with Him through our giving, so that we can see His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as in heaven. 

Praying for Healing, Spiritual Awakening and Unity 

Let’s keep praying that God will give us favor individually and as a church in this season, and that He will turn back the tide of COVID-19 bringing healing, spiritual awakening and unity to our nation and world.

6am Prayer Meeting every Tuesday Morning 

We would love you to join our 6am prayer meeting led by Rino Chantana and you can do so by clicking on this link.  

We also encourage you to take some time to pray at 7.14 every morning and evening, twice a day with one voice, wherever you may be. #UNITE714

We very much look forward to you joining us on Sunday at 10 am and connecting through the many zoom call opportunities we have available during the week.

Let’s continue to be a voice of hope and faith in these days!

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



We've Never Been This Way Before

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust you had a great Fourth of July weekend and hope that you had time to enjoy it with your family and friends.

It’s hard to believe that we are now already into the second half of this year, but at the same time given all that has transpired in the first half of this year, January 2020 seems a lot longer than six months ago. Time seems to have been both expanded and compressed at the same time!


God Never Changes

In this environment of uncertainty and rapid change, it’s important to remember that everything changes but God never changes. 

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of lights [the Creator and Sustainer of the heavens], in whom there is no variation [no rising or setting] or shadow cast by His turning [for He is perfect and never changes]. 

James 1:17 AMP

The example James uses of God’s faithfulness brings to mind ancient sailors who navigated their ships by observation of the sun and the stars. Without taking their bearings from the heavens they would steer off course and this made them particularly vulnerable during storms.  

As we navigate the next half of the year, whatever events transpire, however long it may be before we emerge from the current restrictions created by the COVID-19 pandemic, let’s keep our eyes fixed firmly on God and His unchanging faithfulness.

As the writer of Hebrews encourages us: 

Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.

Hebrews 12:2 NIV


New Series Starting This Sunday

I am starting a new series tomorrow called, “We’ve Never Been this Way Before.” We hope you can join us at 10am.

It’s never been easier for people to join our church services, so let’s do everything we can to share the link with the people in our world and invite them to join us!


Reopening our Building

We will be keeping you updated as to when we will be able to start gathering in our building again. Given the most recent government mandates, restrictions and spikes in reported cases of COVID-19, our reentry date is still subject to a rapidly changing environment.

In the mean time, as an interim step, other smaller groups are gathering either for life group, Sunday morning service watch parties or lunch after parties. All of these groups will be observing government recommended protocols and maintaining social distancing. If you would like to gather in one of these groups please click here, we would love to connect you to one.


Thank you for your Generosity

Once again, a big thank you for your faithful giving of donations, tithes and offerings. Even though we are not able to meet in our building we still have rent and associated expenses to pay, and your generosity is especially important at this time. 

Keep reminding God of His promises He is faithful and He will do what He promises to do as we honor Him and His word through our giving. 


Praying for Healing, Spiritual Awakening and Unity

Let’s keep praying that God will give us favor individually and as a church in this season, and that He will turn back the tide of COVID-19 bringing healing, spiritual awakening and unity to our nation and world.


6AM Prayer Meeting Every Tuesday Morning

We would love you to join our 6AM prayer meetings on Tuesday Mornings led by Rino Chantana and you can do so by clicking on this Zoom link.  

We also encourage you to take some time to pray at 7:14AM every morning and evening, twice a day with one voice, wherever you may be. #UNITE714

We very much look forward to you joining us on Sunday at 10AM and connecting through the many zoom call opportunities we have available during the week.

Let’s continue to be a voice of hope and faith in these days!

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



Celebrating Independence Day at Newport Church

Hi Newport Church Family,

Happy Fourth of July!

This weekend we celebrate Independence Day and all that this day means for us as a nation.

As we celebrate let’s take time to reflect on the declaration, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” and how these words are every bit as poignant and relevant today as they were when they were first penned almost 250 years ago.

We pray that you have a blessed day with your family and friends and enjoy this special weekend together.

It’s hard to believe that we are already half way through 2020!

Although the first half of this year has turned out very differently from the way any of us could have expected, there are some invaluable lessons that we can learn from this season.

At a time like this, I’m mindful of the words of Victor Frankl who survived the horrors of a concentration camp in WWII and said, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”

When David was in one of the most challenging times of his life, we read, “David was greatly distressed....but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” 1 Sam 30:6

How important it is that like David, we encourage ourselves in the Lord in difficult times. Here are some powerful thoughts that we can all encourage ourselves with in these days:

God is Sovereign

Even though we may be in the midst of turmoil, God is God and He still is, and always will be in control. This means that we can experience a peace and security that comes from knowing that God rules and reigns from His throne in heaven and that He has the final word on everything.

God’s Purpose has not Changed

God’s purpose to bring all His children home through the finished work of Jesus has not shifted or changed.

God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

The best antidote to pain is purpose. As we renew our focus on God’s purpose and the privilege of partnering with Him to establish His kingdom on earth, God promises to fill us with the power, peace and joy of His Spirit.

God’s Plans can never be Thwarted

Isaiah wrote, “...of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end.” God’s peace, justice and mercy will prevail, His kingdom will come, and His will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven.

We can Come out of this Season Better and Stronger

With every crisis and challenge there is an opportunity to learn and grow. The Chinese word for “Crisis” is made up of two characters signifying danger and opportunity respectively.

Let’s pray that we all make the most of the opportunity to come out of this season better and stronger and that this season would be a significant turning point for racial reconciliation, healing and a time of spiritual awakening and revival in our land.

We pray that as hope and faith continue to rise in our hearts, we can be a voice of hope and faith to all who are looking for answers in these uncertain times.

Thank you for your continued partnership and generosity in the greatest cause of all! We are making a difference together.

Once again have a blessed and happy Fourth of July and we look forward to you joining us for our online service this Sunday at 10am.

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust that you are well and experiencing God’s grace and favor in this summer season.

I was communicating by text recently with one of our team who commented about how the concept of time has felt all messed up in this season. As I thought about that, the impact of COVID-19, the lockdown, the national outcry against racism and racial injustice towards African Americans, riots, and all that is happening in our nation at present, I responded that I feel like time has been both compressed and expanded at the same time in a season that has affected all of our lives so dramatically.

Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing

One of our great friends Christine Caine tweeted recently:

“It takes huge commitment to stay focused these days. There are so many moving parts that need our attention and an ever changing landscape that must be navigated. I’ve never had to work harder to keep the main thing the main thing. We need the wisdom and guidance of Holy Spirit.”

I could not agree more with what she expressed and we want to encourage our church family to stay focused on keeping the main thing the main thing in these days.

Jesus is the hope of the world. He was no stranger to social unrest, turbulence, racism, division, political tension and volatile times

It was into this environment that Jesus was born and it was in this environment that he transformed our world. Let’s never forget that it is JESUS who is the answer to the brokenness of our world and as followers of Christ the main thing for each one of us is to know Him and to make Him known.

As His kingdom comes and His will is done, love, truth and grace will prevail.

Jesus and Justice

This Sunday I am starting two part series on “Jesus and Justice” and our worship team will once again be leading us in a time of worship and experiencing the presence of God.

We encourage you to send the link of our service to as many people as you can. Let’s focus on making Jesus known in a time when so many people are searching for answers in the midst of so much turmoil and uncertainty.

Reopening our Building

 We will be keeping you updated on when we will be able to start gathering in our building again. Keep a look out for the survey we will be sending you. 

In the mean time, as an interim step, other smaller groups are gathering either for life group, Sunday morning service watch parties or lunch after parties. All of these groups will be observing government recommended protocols and maintaining social distancing. If you would like to gather in one of these groups please click here, we would love to connect you to one.


Thank you for your Generosity 

Thank you for your continued faithfulness in giving your donations, tithes and offerings. Without your contribution, and each one of us doing our part, all that we do in our church and community would not be possible. 

Let’s keep reminding God of His promise that He will multiply the seed that we sow, and as we bring our tithe into the storehouse that He promises to open the windows of heaven and pour out such blessing we will not be able to contain it!


The Power of Prayer

In these uncertain and troubled times let’s never forget the power of prayer as we continue to pray that God will turn back the tide of COVID-19 and bring healing, spiritual awakening and unity to our nation and world.


Prayer Meetings Every Tuesday Morning at 6AM

We would love you to join our Tuesday 6AM prayer meetings led by Rino Chantana and you can do so by clicking on this link.  



We also encourage you to take some time to pray at 7.14 every morning and evening, twice a day with one voice, wherever you may be.

We will be joining together at that time not only as a church but with multiplied thousands of other believers around the world who are a part of the UNITE714 prayer initiative.

We very much look forward to you joining us on Sunday at 10 am and connecting through the many zoom call opportunities we have available during the week.

Let’s continue to be a voice of hope and faith in these days!

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



Father's Day at Newport Church

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust that you are doing well and in good health and spirit.

It’s Father’s Day tomorrow and we want to wish all the Dad’s and spiritual fathers in our church a big Happy Father’s Day!

We also want to give big congratulations to all those graduating in what has been a very difficult and challenging year. Well done!!


Father’s Day Services

 We will be taking time to honor all of our Dads tomorrow, along with some special messages from the kids in our English service at 10am and our Spanish service at 11.30am. We hope that you can join us and we encourage you to invite your family and friends.


Conversation on Race, Hope and Healing

 If you did not get to watch our “Conversation on Race, Hope and Healing”, which we screened on our Newport Church YouTube Channel last Sunday night, you can watch it by clicking here. We have had very positive response to the conversation, which you can also send as a link to your family and friends, or they can find it on our YouTube channel also. 


Reopening our Building

As you all know the situation with COVID-19 and risk management protocols continue to change rapidly and we are monitoring the guidelines regarding resuming meetings in our building very closely. As soon as we are able to meet in both a safe and less restricted way we will resume services in our building.

 We will be sending you a survey soon, in order to help us navigate the timing and process of reopening our building in the best possible way. We look forward to your response once you have received it and to the day when we can gather in our building once again!


Food with Love for our Community

 This week we were once again able to provide much needed food for close to 100 families through our Food with Love ministry. 

As this is “Dads and Grads” season, we also want to bless our foster youth community. Yesterday, our team visited Orangewood Children’s Home and OC Children and Family Services to deliver 300 homemade cookies for kids to enjoy on Father’s Day and Grad’s to enjoy for their day of celebration.


Thank you for your Generosity

 A big thank you to all of you who faithfully give your donations, tithes and offerings every week and make all that we do both in our church and community possible. Let’s continue to be a storehouse of hope and provision for the people in our world. 

 I love the fact that God encourages us to remind Him of His promises. So as we give, let’s remind God that He has said, “he or she that sows generously will also reap generously, and that God Himself will give seed to the sower and bread for food.”  So we can confidently believe that He will do what He has promised to do!



 In these uncertain and troubled times let’s never forget the power of prayer as we continue to pray that God will turn back the tide of COVID-19 and bring healing, spiritual awakening and unity to our nation and world.

 We encourage you to take some time to pray at 7:14 every morning and evening, twice a day with one voice, wherever you may be.

 We will be joining together at that time not only as a church but with multiplied thousands of other believers around the world who are a part of the UNITE714 prayer initiative.

 We look forward to you joining us on Sunday at 10 am and 11:30am and connecting through the many Zoom meeting opportunities we have available during the week.

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



A Conversation on Race, Hope & Healing

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust you have had a faith filled week and are experiencing a new and fresh measure of God’s grace. 

Last weekend I was able to visit Memphis Tennessee, where I spent a few days with John and Leslie Siebeling, who pastor The Life Church Memphis and Wayne Francis, who pastors The Life Church New York.

John and Leslie have been long time friends of ours and for 24 years have led and pastored one of the finest examples of a racially diverse and integrated church that I have ever seen. Wayne is an African American Pastor who grew up in the Bronx NY, and has a wealth of experience and wisdom in leading a racially diverse church community.   

The purpose of my visit was to take time to listen and learn from them and to have a conversation on how we can best respond as individuals and a church to all that is taking place in our nation at present.

During my time with them we filmed a one hour “Conversation on Race, Hope & Healing,” and we will be screening the Premiere of this conversation online on our Newport Church YouTube Channel at 7.30pm this Sunday night. 

I believe and hope that this will be a helpful conversation for us all and I encourage you to take time with your family and friends to watch the conversation with an open heart and spirit. 

Let’s continue to take to heart the words of the Apostle Paul when he spoke to the church in Ephesus, where there was division between Jews and Gentiles, “Make every effort to guard the unity that the Spirit gives, with your lives bound together in peace.”

Paul urges them and us to never forget that Jesus came to break down the dividing wall of hostility between all people and that He, Jesus Himself, is our Peace.

Jesus is the hope of the world and let’s do all we can to make Him known in this unprecedented season. 

I am continuing with our new series “Jesus and Injustice” in our online service this Sunday and I hope and pray that it will be both faith building and inspiring to us all.

A big thank you again to all those who contributed to our Miracle Vision Offering last week and a reminder that you can still be part of giving in this offering by clicking here.

As we all do our part we can become an ever greater storehouse and blessing for our community and beyond.

We look forward to you joining us on Sunday at 10 am and connecting through the many Zoom meeting opportunities we have available during the week.

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



Unity in our Diversity

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust that you have known a special measure of God’s grace and presence this week.

These have certainly been difficult days. As we begin to emerge from the COVID-19 restrictions, we are processing the tragic and senseless death of George Floyd, followed by all of the anger, outrage, rioting and violence across our nation and now other parts of the world.

As a church we have always done everything within our power to create a community of faith that is inclusive and accepting of every person regardless of their background, race, color or nationality.

Jesus spoke out about the injustice of prejudice and inequality and reminds us of our responsibility to do so also. In light of all that is taking place we have posted a statement on our website, which we encourage you to take time to read.

The Apostle Paul wrote that Christ broke down the dividing wall of hostility between Jew and Gentile (Ephesians 2:14) and Jesus prayed, “Father I pray that they may be one as we are one.” (John 17:21)

Let’s never forget that while God sent Jesus to unite us with Him and each other, our enemy Satan is hard at work trying to divide us.

Satan divided heaven when he rebelled against God, he brought division between Adam and Eve and God in the garden of Eden, and he has been inciting division ever since. He knows that what is divided can be easily conquered.

That is why it is so important that like Paul we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices.

This is a time for us as a church to be in unity, even in the diversity of our individual response to what is happening in our nation.

As Paul said: “Make every effort to guard the unity that the spirit gives, with your lives bound together in peace.” Ephesians 4:3

This weekend, I am in Memphis, by invitation of John Siebeling, who pastors Life Church and is a member of our church board. I will be joining him and Wayne Francis, an African American Pastor from New York City for a conversation on race and how we can best respond to bring hope and healing to our African American brothers and sisters, our community, and our nation.

We will be screening this online next week and we are believing and praying it will be an opportunity for us all to learn and grow.  

I am speaking on “Jesus and Injustice” in our online service this Sunday and I hope that it will be both uplifting and inspiring.

A big thank you to all those who contributed to our Miracle Vision Offering last week and a reminder that you can still be part of giving in this offering by clicking here.

As we all do our part, we can be an ever greater storehouse and blessing for our community and beyond.

We look forward to you joining us on Sunday at 10 am and connecting through the many Zoom meeting opportunities we have available during the week.

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors



Reopening Information + Miracle & Pentecost Sunday

Hi Newport Church Family,

We trust that you have had a blessed and faith-filled week. Here are a couple of important updates regarding this weekend.


As you know Governor Newsom announced this week that churches could open under strict guidelines and restrictions.

This was a significant announcement for churches, however the mandated guidelines prohibit us from meeting in a way that is both safe yet unencumbered by restrictions that significantly inhibit and limit our worship experience in multiple ways.

As the situation and risk management protocols are changing so rapidly we have decided, as many other churches are doing, to continue with our online services until we can gather in a way that is both safe and less restricted.

Although the term “churches have been allowed to open” has been used, the reality is our church has never been closed! We have continued to meet in our homes with the help of technology that allows us to connect through online services, stay connected through zoom meetings and continue to help those in need in our communities.

We will keep you posted of any new changes, but in the meantime we encourage you to make the most of the opportunity to join us for our online services and for the various zoom meetings we have during the week.

I am reminded at this time of how the early church were not able to meet in a central location yet continued to grow as they met from house to house.

For those of you who would like to gather in smaller groups after our online services on Sunday, we encourage you to stay within the new state guidelines for churches and adhere to all thecurrent protocols including social distancing. If you would like to join one of these smaller gatherings please click on this link. 


This Sunday is the last day of Miracle May and it’salso Pentecost Sunday!

We’re believing that this will be a significant day us all as we believe for God to move supernaturally on our behalf. As we sow our Miracle Vision Offering, let’s believe that God will supernaturally multiply the seed we sow because He promises, ““whoever sows generously will also reap generously” 2 Corinthians 9:6

If you have not already done so, please take time to pray and ask God what He would have you give. Our prayer is that every one of us will participate and do our part so that together we can do something extraordinary as we continue to be a storehouse of hope and provision for the people in our world.

Thank you for your partnership and prayers as we navigate our way into a new season where we can once again gather and experience God’s presence in ever greater ways

We look forward to you joining us on Sunday at 10 am and connecting through the many zoom call opportunities we have available during the week.

We love and appreciate you all greatly,
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors
