Hi Newport Church Family,
We hope you had a happy and blessed Thanksgiving.
Even though this year may not have turned out the way that we expected it to, and we have all faced challenges in many different ways, we all have a lot that we can be thankful for.
And Thanksgiving is one of those days when we can gather with family and friends, enjoy each other’s company, eat great food and reflect on all that God has done for us and blessed us with.
I’m Thankful for….
Every day we are posting Instagram stories of members of our church who are sharing what they are thankful for. Be sure to check out their stories on our Newport Church Instagram, and give them a shout out. You will be encouraged by their stories and they will be encouraged by your response.
Grace, Gratitude and Generosity
As we approach Christmas which is only four weeks away, we are reminded of God’s grace and generosity in sending His Son Jesus and the gratitude that we have for the greatest gift of all.
Wherever there is great Grace one will find Generosity & Gratitude.
When I was first awakened to the love and grace of God, I was awakened to His extravagant generosity & the result was that I experienced overwhelming gratitude.
I also discovered that the more gratitude I have, the more I experience God’s presence, power and provision.
The message version of the Bible translates the words of David in Psalm 100:4 “Enter with the password: Thank you!”
David is revealing the powerful truth that gratitude is the password that opens the door to God’s presence and provision.
Jesus demonstrated this in the feeding of the 5,000. He gave thanks for the five loaves and two small fish and they were multiplied supernaturally so that all of the people were fed and twelve full baskets were leftover.
Jesus gave thanks for what He did have and received what He didn’t have.
When we give thanks for what we do have, our gratitude opens the door for God to give us what we don’t have.
Giving thanks for what God has given us is the password that unlocks the door to His provision.
Let’s keep that attitude of gratitude alive in us all year round, and watch how God opens doors for us in every area of our lives.
Thanksgiving Offering
A big thank you to all those who have contributed to our Thanksgiving Offering.
Let’s never forget the sacrifices that previous generations have made so that we could hear about and know the love of Jesus. They paved the way and carried the torch for us, now it’s our turn to do the same for the next generations.
We do not ive in an isolated slice of time but each one of us is a part of the continuum of generations that have given sacrificially over thousands of years to see God’s Kingdom come to a broken and hurting world.
Let’s do our part and leave a legacy for the next generation, by building a strong healthy church that is a hub of hope to our community and beyond!
If you haven’t had an opportunity to give your offering yet you can do so by clicking here.
This Sunday!
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday for our service at 11am either online or at our Newport Church Cafe.
I am continuing with our series “Great Grace” and am speaking on “How to live with Grace and Gratitude”. All of our teams are ready for what will be a faith building and inspiring service.
We are thankful for you and love and appreciate you greatly.
With love and blessings
Jonathan & Dianne Wilson
Senior Pastors